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The Great Resignation is never over in the Nonprofit world

Updated: Apr 19

As many know, Team Kat & Mouse prides itself on Training, Tactics, and Tools.

We often share fundraising information in our blogs and email blasts. Each includes information you can use to increase your fundraising and knowledge of our offerings. We send these blasts to a curated list of nonprofit leaders.

What does this have to do with turnover?

I recently sent an email blast to 305 individuals, and 73 of them bounced back. Naturally, due to the time of year, a few bounced due to vacations. However, the vast majority were no longer valid emails.

Runing Man

Fundraisers retired, were let go or possibly ran screaming out the door, leaving all personal items in their desk drawers as they left.

The Great Resignation has drawn to a close, but that has not seemed to stem the tide of nonprofit turnover.

And no, I am not basing this on my small-ish sample size experiment alone. Look at the fundraiser ads, talk to your friends, and read newsletters.

  1. Hiring: Most nonprofits don’t have HR professionals to set up systems to hire. So, the CEO, Directors, or other leadership do the hiring.

My best advice:

  • Hire Attitude, Train skills (but then really onboard and train WELL)

  • good questions - Don’t just “sell” them why this is a good position.

  • Let candidates ask questions.

  • Let members of your team meet/interview candidates as well. (Great way to start building a team)

  • Try your best not to sit on potentially great hires. If they are great, make a decision or someone else will.

2. Prepare your new hire for success

  • Onboard well

  • Train well (or hire someone who can)

  • Keep the training going to show your entire staff that you are dedicated to their professional development.

  • Find and acknowledge your new team member “doing things RIGHT.”

  • Get permission to coach

  • Coach, with your expertise and your heart

  • Hold meaningful one-on-one meetings

  • Keep them in the loop - when staff does not know what is going on, they tend to make stuff up in their minds.

  • Celebrate small successes - they lead to bigger ones

  • Say, thank you!

However, these suggestions will NOT stop turnover in the world of nonprofits, but…

If you hire the right people - Your fundraising will increase.

If you train your staff continually - Your fundraising will increase.

Your fundraising revenue will increase if you get permission to coach and coach well.

If you communicate well - Your fundraising will Increase.

Team Kat & Mouse can help you with all of these to give you your best chance to hire well and retain a staff that embarrassed your mission, continually grows in expertise, and INCREASES YOUR FUNDRAISING!

Let’s Chat

Interested in reading 2022 FLORIDA NONPROFITS SURVEY

Key findings in this survey include:

The pipeline for leadership in the sector needs attention – approximately 1/3 of current CEOs will have left their jobs by 2025.

The nonprofit sector is also experiencing staffing challenges. 27% are having trouble filling open staff positions, 25% are experiencing voluntary staff turnover, and the mental health effects on staff remain high. Some organizations have raised salaries and/or increased benefits, but not all organizations have the resources to do so.

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